Bishop G E Patterson Church Of Od In Christ March 14 2003

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Bishop G E Patterson - YouTube

Bishop G.E. Patterson on Apple Music

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Bishop G E Patterson The Importance of the Holy Ghost 01/18 by Freedom

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COGIC Bishop G.E. Patterson Dies at 67 | The Daily Buzz
Bishop G.E Patterson Singing Old School Church Songs during the COGIC

Bishop G.E Patterson Singing Old School Church Songs during the COGIC

Bishop G.E. Patterson on Apple Music

Bishop G.E. Patterson on Apple Music

Bishop G.E. Patterson-"Bewitched" (Part III) - YouTube

Bishop G.E. Patterson-"Bewitched" (Part III) - YouTube

Bishop G E Patterson Recorded Message Turning Point 05/14 by Freedom

Bishop G E Patterson Recorded Message Turning Point 05/14 by Freedom

Bishop G E Patterson Things Inside 10/22 by Freedom Doors Ministries

Bishop G E Patterson Things Inside 10/22 by Freedom Doors Ministries

Bishop G.E. Patterson Preaching - "The Ark of the Covenant" - YouTube

Bishop G.E. Patterson Preaching - "The Ark of the Covenant" - YouTube

Remembering Bishop Patterson

Remembering Bishop Patterson

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